
Unholy Allegiances: Heeding Revelation’s Warnings is unavailable, but you can change that!

Amidst the fervor of popular apocalyptic books and unfounded “end times” theology, deSilva has written an excellent book that will help readers thoughtfully and properly approach the book of Revelation. This is a truly unique book that studies Revelation by (1) stating the context in which it was written (Roman Asia in the first century), (2) noting why John wrote what he did to the church, and...

word “for them,” that is, for communities of faith removed from us by at least nineteen centuries, and that we are the secondary beneficiaries of the pastoral guidance initially intended for them. John gives some cues that should serve to remind us, as attentive readers, that this book is not in fact about us. In particular, he signals that Revelation is to be read as a letter, specifically a pastoral letter. After an introductory paragraph in which John does not speak in his own voice, but in an
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